Education and Training Center
The Education and Training Section specializes in active duty voluntary education, testing services, and training. Education and Training is open for walk-ins. Testing Services is by appointment only.
Education Services
The education services office helps all active duty with tuition assistance, enrolling in the Skillbridge program, education information during transition out of the military, CCAF, bachelors and master’s degrees, and commissioning questions.
Do you have questions about your CCAF? Are you confused on the difference between the Montgomery GI Bill and the Post 9/11 Bill? Do you need guidance on tuition assistance or CLEP/DSST options?
Speak with an Education Services Specialist at 580.213.7388 or email 71mss.dpe@us.af.mil for more additional information/questions.
Base Training
Base training needs will go through the base training manager to the Unit Training Managers for active duty. Responsible for making sure that all of the enlisted personnel stationed at Vance AFB have their Career Field Education and Training plans (CFETP) in place and on file.
Additionally, Base training ensures that all members of the enlisted force are receiving the proper training that they need in order to do their job effectively. Base Training will assist Unit Training Managers in scheduling any CDC exams that you need and will ensure that you are prepared not only to test but also to succeed.
Base Training also serves as a liaison between the Commanders and the airmen who are receiving the training. That way all Commanders are aware of the progress of training for the airmen under their command.
Civilian Training
For any supervisors who supervise civilians need to take the Air Force New Supervisor Training Course (within one year) or Experienced Supervisor Training (every three years) please contact your unit training manage in order to enroll in the course which will provide supervisors new and old with the skills they need to document and counsel the civilian members of the team that they are supervising.
Civilian training needs can be addressed through our civilian training manager. Civilian Tuition Assistance, supervisor training course, new employee orientation course, and other leadership / development courses are available.
All testing is by appointment only.
Email 71mss.dpe@us.af.mil to schedule exams.
The following exams are available:
AF Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT)
Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB)
Test for Basic Aviation Skills (TBAS)
Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) (Active Duty ASVAB)
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Weighted Airmen Promotion System (WAPS)
Electronic Data Processing Test (EDPT)
AF Reading Abilities Test (AFRAT)
Step 1
- Login to your AFVEC account and find the AF COOL Homepage link at the top of the screen
- Navigate to the AF COOL Homepage and once there, select the “Search AFSC Related Credentials” box and your AFSC specific credentials that you are eligible for will be listed
- Select the credential you wish to pursue through the AF COOL program (Note: You can sort the credentials via funding method, i.e., AF COOL, GI Bill, etc)
Step 2
- Select the credential that best suits your career progression needs. Create your education goal by clicking on the icon that is listed on the top right of the goal you are seeking;
- Once you have selected the credential of your choosing, an email will be sent to your supervisor to validate your eligibility criteria for the selected credential. While your supervisor is reviewing your credential request, please complete step 3 to assist us in processing your funding request, which will be accomplished in step 4.
Step 3
- It is the member’s responsibility to research the requirements for the credential – not AF COOL. Review the credential summary and eligibility requirements to ensure you meet any pre-requisites prior to selection. Review the exam(s) necessary to complete the credential. Review the credentialing agency’s homepage and the resources page to locate program information (i.e., pre-requisite details, testing centers, and pricing details) and any requirements the credentialing agency may need prior to payment (i.e., application process). Ensure you upload any required supporting documentation.
Step 4
- In your AFVEC account, go to the bottom box on the right side of the home screen and click “Start a Funding Request”. Follow the prompts to complete the funding request application. You will need the following information from the credential web site and/or the invoice you obtained in Step 3 Exam Center, Cost of Exam, and Testing Window.
- Once you complete the funding request, an email will be sent to your supervisor who will review the request and approve or disapprove it. You will be notified via email once this action is completed.
Step 5
- Once the supervisor approves your funding request, it is then electronically routed to the AF COOL office which will make the payment on your behalf.
Step 6
- Take the exam(s) and follow up with the AF COOL CPO to report your scores and close out your educational goal. Send a copy of your exam results and/or Certificate of Completion to ccaf.cool@us.af.mil after you have tested.
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