Hours of Operation
Friday: 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Saturday – Sunday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Holiday Hours: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
View Hours
414 McAffrey St, Bld 316, Enid, OK
- Water bottles allowed only in main exercise areas. Other food or drink items not allowed.
- Profanity, unsportsmanlike conduct, or offensive clothing will not be allowed.
- Only authorized clothing and athletic footwear will be allowed per DAFI 34-114.
- Footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, etc. may not be kicked inside the Fitness Center.
- Bicycles or roller blades are not allowed inside the Fitness Center or on the running track.
- Equipment must be returned to its proper area after use.
- If squadron PT running inside is necessary due to weather, all other activities will conform.
- Pets are not allowed inside the Fitness Center except those approved by the ADA.
- Slamming of weight plates and bars on floors is discouraged.
- Use of a spotter is highly encouraged.
- All lockers are daily use lockers.
- Children aged 6 and over are not allowed in opposite gender locker room or designated dressing areas.
User/Guest Policy
Facility and equipment are available to active-duty personnel, dependents, reservists, retired military, civil service, NAF, DAF and permanent contractor personnel with valid ID. Authorized users must sign in guests at the front desk and accompany guests at all times. Limit 2 guests per individual.
24/7 After-Hours Access
The Fitness Center is open after normal hours of operation for use. This program is authorized for the following individuals:
- Authorized active duty and their dependents 18 years and older
- Guard/Reserves on current active duty orders
- Retirees and their dependents 18 years and older
- Any authorized government civilian with a valid ID to include contractors
- Statement of Understanding and Assumption of Risk
Please see the Fitness Center Front Desk to register for after-hours access.
Age Policy / Vance AFB Fitness & Sports Center
Youth 16 and older. During staffed hours of operations, permitted in all areas of the Fitness Center excluding the saunas. May utilize the sauna with a qualified adult.
Youth 14-15 years must enroll in Youth Fitness Program. Once enrolled, during staffed hours of operation, permitted in all areas of the Fitness Center, excluding the saunas, without a qualified adult. May utilize the sauna with a qualified adult.
Youth 10-13 years of age must enroll in Youth Fitness Program. Once enrolled, during staffed hours of operation, authorized to use the cardio training room, strength training rooms, and participate in group exercise classes under qualified adult interactive supervision. Other areas of the Fitness Center, excluding the saunas, such as the basketball court and racquetball courts, may be used with unrestricted access during staffed hours without a qualified adult.
Youth 6-9 years of age are not permitted at any time in the saunas, cardio training room, strength training rooms, and group exercise room (with exception to age-specific exercise classes or group instruction). They are permitted in other activity areas (child area of the parent/child exercise room with parent/legal guardian, basketball courts, racquetball courts, running track, locker rooms, etc.) and are permitted to be a participant or a spectator in a sport or age-appropriate special event or class only under qualified adult interactive supervision.
Youth 5 years of age and under are not permitted in fitness facilities except as follows: They are permitted in the child area of the parent/child exercise room and racquetball courts with parent/legal guardian and as a participant or spectator in a sport or age-appropriate special event or class under qualified adult interactive supervision. They are not permitted on the basketball court unless in an age-appropriate special class.
Interactive supervision requires a qualified adult and child to participate in/perform activity together at all times.
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